miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2010

Valencia, gunpowder and colour

A festive atmosphere has completely inundated Valencia. In every street, every square and every Casal (festival tent) you will feel the euphoria building up prior to the start of the most eagerly-anticipated event of the year as the final preparations are taking place for the official start of the Fallas 2010.
On Monday 15th March, the official acts get underway for this Festival of International Tourist Interest with the Plantà infantil, although throughout this week you can already enjoy a whole host of events and activities.
These include the Mascletà, the popular pyrotechnical display set off every day in the Town Hall square, which brings together thousands of people at 2 p.m. to hear excited the thunderous symphony of gunpowder.
Fuente: http://en.comunitatvalenciana.com/2010/03/08/valencia-gunpowder-and-colour-2
You can find more information in http://www.costadevalencia.com/en/9-learn-spain-valencia/9-learn-spain-valencia.asp?s=30&p=3#fiestas, the free time programme of our Spanish language school Costa de Valenica in http://www.costadevalencia.com/en/6-learn-spanish-valencia/6-learn-spanish-valencia-2.asp

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