sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010


March has arrived and valencian people are looking forward to celebrate our dear festivity. But don’t think there haven’t been fallas events nowadays. Gradually, during all March, we’re living some fallas ceremonies, which will culminate on the genuine 5 falleros days, which will be since 15th March until 19th March.

Valencia smells to gunpowder and despite the weather is not as good as we wish, everybody, who is living in Valencia, meet on the Town Hall at 2pm to enjoy the mascletà, which are authentic fireworks fired rhythmically. Due to these fireworks Valencian ground vibrates, it doesn’t matter where you are, because you can hear the mascletàs all over Valencia.

This Saturday, 6th March, it is the “napolitana mascletà”. You can not miss this event, because it is unique during Fallas. You can find it at the “playa de las Arenas”, between “el Balneario de las Arenas” and “la Posta Sanitaria de la Cruz Roja” (Red Cross service place). The main feature of this mascletà is the different fireworks. Do not miss the different colours in the Valencian sky.

La Cridà” was on 28th February, it is when our “Fallera Mayor de Valencia” and our mayor present the program of the Fallas to everybody. People who were there had the chance to see the acrobatic show and the spectacular fireworks; the Serrano’s bridge was crowded. You could feel the atmosphere of the Fallas despite the fact that the Valencian Music Bands were not there thanks to all the effects that the organization prepared.

These days all the tourists in Valencia will enjoy the diverse acts of this festival as for example, mascletàs, replegàs, Cabalgata del ninot (6th March), Cabalgata Folklórica (13th March)…

And at last, Fallas week will arrive!

All Fallas must be completed in the streets by the 15th March; this is called “la Plantà”. All the falleros speed up in order to finish the huge monuments before the midnight. For this reason, in these days Valencia is full of pedestrians.

On 17th March and 18th March, the fragrance of the typical Valencian flowers will be present and the reason is “La Ofrenda”, when thousands and thousands of the Falleras and Falleros together with hundreds of music bands, march into the Plaza de la Virgen to offer flowers to the enormous statue of the Kingdom of Valencia’s patron saint.

Every night, since 15th March, there will be fireworks displays in the Gran Turia Park. But the most important night is on 18th March because it is “La Nit del Foc”. It is the most important firework display in all the Fallas, 40 minutes of colour and light which will astonish you.

And the last day… on 19th March we will have “La Cabalgata del Fuego” at 7pm, where people parade with firecrackers and at night the Fallas 2010 will end with “La Cremà”, Valencia will burn and all the huge monuments will disappear with the fire.

For this reason, get ready for 5 days of non-stopping drinking, singing, dancing, walking… and overcoat you will enjoy with everybody on the best Spanish festival. And of course, our Spanish School, Costa de Valencia will be present in all the events of this Fallas 2010.

You can’t miss it! Fallas in Valencia is an unbelievable festival... and Costa de Valencia, escuela de español is waiting for you!

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