miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010

Costa de Valencia, escuela de español and La Magdalena of Castellon

Castellón de la Plana, passion for the Festival of La Magdalena
Open and luminous, that is Castellón de la Plana, a city that looks out onto the Mediterranean, with the wild mountains behind it. Its temperate climate has brought many cultures to this area and still continues to attract people, along with its beaches, natural beauty spots, monuments and festivals. In fact, the city's main celebrations commemorate its founding and are popularly known as the Festival of La Magdalena, which takes place from 6th to 14th March and is deemed to be of National Tourist Interest.
Legend has it that over seven centuries ago, a whole village left the mountains to settle in the plains. There, around a humble Muslim farmstead, a town grew that would eventually become Castellón de la Plana. During their descent, night fell and with it came a storm. So as not to get lost, these first settlers tied small lanterns to the end of the sticks and canes they were using to feel their way along the path, to light the way. The children were wearing bread rolls around their necks and were tied with ribbon to the illuminated crooks carried by their parents.
This tradition is revived every year, as the people of Castellón de la Plana, with their bread rolls, canes and handkerchiefs knotted around their neck, return to the mountain of La Magdalena, loyal to their origins. Another major feature of these celebrations are the Gaiatas, monuments of light (only found in Castellón de la Plana) which are paraded on the night of the third Sunday of Lent and which remain in different squares around the city throughout the week-long celebrations. There is also the 'Cabalgata del Pregón', a procession that shows spectators the true ethnology of the customs maintained by different villages around the province.
Throughout the week, there are concerts, firework displays and bullfights, performances by street theatre troupes, celebrations, processions and popular feasts with their famous dancing in the square. Finally, the festive week comes to a close with an offering to La Mare de Déu del Lledó, the patron saint of the city, and the Magdalena Vitol, the finishing touch to these popular street celebrations where everyone can take part.

We will go next SATURDAY 6 OF MARCH
(see also the programm of free time activities of Costa de Valenica, escuela de español)

12:00 h. ANUNCIO OFICIAL DE FIESTAS con disparo de carcasas conmemorativas de la 66 edición de la nueva etapa, fuegos aéreos y GRAN MASCLETÀ a cargo de PIROFANTASÍA CARLOS CABALLER de Godella (Ganadora del XV CONCURSO de "Mascletaes" "Ciutat de Castelló" - Magdalena 2009) en la C/Sta. M" Rosa Molás (junto a la Plaza Primer Molí). 12:00 h. X EDICIÓN DEL MESÓN DE LA TAPA Y LA CERVEZA en la Plaza de España (antigua estación), con horario de 12 a 16'30 horas y de 19 a 24 horas12:30 h. INAUGURACIÓN DE LA XLII EDICIÓN DEL MESÓN DEL VINO en la Avda. Blasco Ibáñez.13:00 h. Inauguración a cargo de la Reina de las Fiestas de la X edición del Mesón de la Tapa y la Cerveza en la Plaza de España (antigua estación). 13:00 h. Inauguración de la carpa del Centro Asturiano de Castellón, instalada en la Plaza Tetuán, con la actuación de los alumnos de la Escuela de Asturianía (música y baile tradicional asturiano). La Carpa permanecerá abierta toda la semana, con muestras de gastronomía autóctona. 13:30 h. HOMENAJE AL REY D. JAIME I, en su monumento. 16:00 h. CABALGATA DEL PREGÓ. Manifestación popular y etnológica donde se resalta la Mitología, Historia, Costumbres y Folklore de Castellón y sus comarcas. 23:00 h. Primera jornada del XVI FESTIVAL DE PIROTECNIA "CIUTAT DE CASTELLÓ" 23:00 h. Verbena popular en la Plaza de las Aulas. 23:00 h. Verbena popular en la C/Luís Vives. 23:00 h. Magdalena DJ's FESTIVAL en el Recinto de Conciertos de Castelló.
fuente: http://www.comunitatvalenciana.com/

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